
What should you be allowed to say 

Few inside the organisation will talk about the changes but the feeling is there is little money and a lot of angry people. A popular Director has been suspended for comments at a meeting with carers. Not for saying anything critical about the organisation but for pointing out how Government policy was impacting on her social workers ability to do their job. I suppose it didn’t help that the local Conservative MP was in the audience or that the public meeting was broadcast live on the organisations web site. Local Authority officers are like civil servants not supposed to have “ political” views. 

The chief executive told her when you are a Director you don’t have a personal opinion because anything you say publicly will be taken as this organisations view. 

Was the local MP being over sensitive in being out raged at this, “ bias and unprofessional behaviour”? Should a Local Authority be so willing to give in to an MP’s demands for disciplinary action? Was this really a political opinion or a professional assessment?

Blair Mcpherson former director, author and blogger 


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