Entries with tag computers .

wrote a new blog post
21 Jan 2019 - 17:33
The car engine warning light came on but the mechanics could find nothing wrong. It reminded me of that scene in the film 2001 where the ships computer, HAL, alerts the ships crew that a piece of external equipment is about to fail. The crew investigate but can find nothing wrong. The two crew members discuss the implications in an escape pod where Hale can’t over hear them. The computer is... See more
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wrote a new blog post
04 Jul 2016 - 18:34
We have been warned. Some very cleaver people like professor Steven Hawkins have told us that in the near future artificial intelligence will result in machines that can think. What will happen to us humans when machines are not only stronger and quicker but also smarter than us?   Will intelligent machines ever replace public sector workers?    Some predict a life of... See more
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