Entries with tag creativity .

wrote a new blog post
09 Aug 2023 - 15:48
We are constantly urged to to meet the challenge of inadequate resources, budget pressures and ambitious performance targets by being creative and innovative. To come up with new ways of working that will solve existing problems without creating new ones. Think out side the box, come up with fresh ideas, think the unthinkable. Easier said than done. Where do you start. In the past you might... See more
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wrote a new blog post
03 Jan 2023 - 12:34
Pele referred to it as the beautiful game. As played by him and the Brazilian team that won the World Cup in 1970 it was. Any team he played in would rather win 4-2 than 2-0 because it was about attack, inventiveness,  creativity and skill. In contrast to the Italian team they played in the final who epitomised the physical, defensive approach whose first aim was not to lose. When I... See more
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wrote a new blog post
20 Jul 2016 - 10:57
Can a leader take a group of misfits and make them into a strong, effective unit, a sort of "Dirty Dozen" only not by focusing their aggression but channelling their independence of thought. More like the characters in The Big Bang Theory. The approach has been referred to as Dry Stone Walling.   Take irregular shaped individuals the ones who don't fit into the organisations neat breeze... See more
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wrote a new blog post
28 Mar 2016 - 11:40
Good team work requires everyone to play their part. Everyone knows their role, no one tries to do someone else's job, experience has taught how to respond to different situations , training has reinforced best practice, the team is well organised and as a result is effective and efficient when dealing with routine circumstances and predictable challenges. Even so it can become a sterile,... See more
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