Entrées avec l'étiquette denial .

a écrit un nouveau billet de blog
01 mars 2022 - 10:07
You don’t want management that is distant and detached but neither do you want management that is so tight with their staff they can’t see the faults and so are dismissive of criticisms and complaints.    Senior managers are often accused of being detached from the front line and therefore out of touch with how the workers on the ground feel with no real understanding of the challenges... Voir plus
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a écrit un nouveau billet de blog
05 avr. 2021 - 11:49
Some leaders think it is a perfectly normal state of affairs in these challenging times for managers to be cynical and staff disillusioned. Some leaders claim staff always moan about their managers and distrust senior management and that this does not mean that the organisation will underperform, disappoint clients or has problems that at some point will surface dramatically. They are... Voir plus
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