Entrées avec l'étiquette directors .

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01 juil. 2024 - 11:19
Dads are for making you feel safe. Grandads are for Fun. Directors are paternal they are in charge,  in control, giving directions and instructions, having high expectations and can be demanding. Chief executive/leaders are more fun. Their wisdom and experience give them a calmness or is it they don’t worry because the day to day responsibility is with Directors? They are more relaxed,... Voir plus
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30 nov. 2016 - 21:08
The Virgin take over of health and adult social services in Bath has received little media coverage. This is a hugely significant  development. As a former director I am very disappointed but not surprised by the absence of any comment or statement from the association  of directors of adult social services. I can not believe directors of adult social services don't have a... Voir plus
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09 oct. 2016 - 06:20
The relationship between a local authority director and their chief executive is like that between a premiership goal keeper and his manager. We all know how much a manager values a safe pair of hands and a new manager likes to bring in some of his own players who will play the game the way he likes to play it. The new chief executive comes with a reputation. Already one of the directors who... Voir plus
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