Entrées avec l'étiquette disciplinary action .

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21 déc. 2020 - 08:42
It’s harder than most people would imagine to sack staff who have abused residents. Hard to uncover the abuse and harder to put together a strong enough case to get a dismissal.   The worst kind of bad practice is rarely picked up by inspections, sometimes there are rumours, sometimes managers have concerns but without specifics nothing happens until you get a whistle blower.... Voir plus
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14 déc. 2020 - 12:15
 In the USA they call trousers “pants”. In our family big boy pants refers to the underwear that my 3 year old grand son wears as part of his toilet training. Just another example of the misunderstandings that can occur when we think we speak the same language or is there more to it?  Philadelphia Mayor tells Trump to “Put big boy pants on”. So read a headline in the days after... Voir plus
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23 nov. 2019 - 19:33
What if England had lost? How would the managers disciplinary action against one of his best players be viewed?  So some members of the England team thought the manager over-reacted to an incident in the canteen. However the manager was adamant he made the right call and does not fear any long term repercussions. He believes his tough stance will eradicate the possibility of having to ... Voir plus
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