Entries with tag disloyalty .

wrote a new blog post
26 Jul 2016 - 19:03
  Professional footballers are labelled disloyal because they no longer stay with one club but move around chasing money and winners medals. Politicians call each other backstabbers as they oust their leader and jockey for power. The chief executive complains of senior managers undermining them behind their back. The board refers to a high profile whistleblower as disloyal for going... See more
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wrote a new blog post
08 Jun 2016 - 15:02
  What do Mike Ashley and Jose Mourinho have in common? Both are arrogant both were in trouble over their treatment of their employees. It not just in the private sector that some bosses think they can treat employees the way they like. There are plenty of examples in the public sector. What surprises me is that someone could become a chief executive of an NHS trust or a local... See more
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