Entries with tag doctors .

wrote a new blog post
23 May 2017 - 21:04
The government wants you back. A lot was invested in your training. You gained valuable experience which we could really use now. We have developed a great programme for supporting returnees like yourself. We understand why you left, there were a lot of unpopular changes,  we were experimenting with changing the skill mix, long hours and a cap on pay rises didn't help. The emphases on... See more
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wrote a new blog post
04 Sep 2016 - 06:22
  If the world was to explode the last thing to be heard would be an expert explaining why it wouldn't happen. The type of thing Michael Grove might say although it was in fact said by the late Peter Ustinov.   When did we become so anti professionals? This government doesn't listen to teachers, doctors, nurses or social workers. The last government didn't listen to professionals... See more
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