Entries with tag dysfunctional teams .

wrote a new blog post
31 Jan 2024 - 13:42
I’m not talking about team building trust creating rope climbs or raft making. I’m talking about taking the team away from the office to sit all day in a stuffy over heated hotel conference room whilst a dysfunctional group of people find lots to disagree about. The aim is to draw up a business plan, agree priorities, finalise the budget cut proposals, review the EDI strategy, develop effective... See more
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wrote a new blog post
13 Aug 2020 - 05:56
To anyone observing it was a very heated argument. One member of the team was criticising another and not holding back. The other responded with a few well chosen remarks of their own. Voices were raised. It looked and sounded ugly. The boss did not intervene. So is this what is meant  by a dysfunctional management team? Not according to the boss.  According to the boss this type of... See more
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wrote a new blog post
12 Jul 2014 - 15:33
High performing teams are characterized by the sharing of responsibility, actively supporting and occasionally taking it in turns to lead. Team members are not only good at their job they aim to help colleagues rather than be in competition with them. This can be seen in how a high performing senior management team deals with budget cuts, prepares for an inspection, responds when one... See more
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