Entries with tag human resources .

wrote a new blog post
07 Mar 2024 - 16:42
Our financial problems are because we are not competitive and we are not competitive because we are inefficient due to a reluctance to embrace new technology and change working practices. Or our failure to take employees with us, invest in up skilling them and rewarding them accordingly has resulted in us being less competitive. Blair Mcpherson former director author and blogger... See more
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03 Apr 2022 - 09:50
In some organisations HR doesn’t have a seat at the top table. In many organisation HR don’t feel they have the status or influence their expertise and contribution warrants. But this isn’t about those organisations this is about what happens when an ambitious new chief executive hires a ruthless head of HR with the intention of taking complete control of the organisation. Board... See more
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10 Jan 2022 - 09:46
I read an article that asked the question, “ Is HR ever your friend?” My first thought was this must be a reflection on how HR’s first loyalty is to the organisation despite presenting themselves as the people who will help you if you have a bully for a manager, experience racism in the workplace or fallout with a colleague. Whilst I wouldn’t  tell my HR colleagues,” Your my best... See more
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26 Nov 2018 - 15:21
In the past the answer would have been senior management, the Trade Union and HR. But senior management can no longer be relied on to set a good example, the trade unions have been weakened,  so that leaves HR !   Let’s be brutally honest where there is a bulling problem there is also a lack of confidence in HR to tackle it. This is probably unfair on HR. They have developed the... See more
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wrote a new blog post
13 May 2016 - 15:23
  You think HR is for softies! Mr and Ms reasonable. The nice people who ensure you do the right thing, the ones who resolve conflict and get managers out of the holes they have dug for themselves. You think HR is about softening the blow of redundancy or putting a human face on absence management. Then you wouldn't expect a Performance Coach to be part of HR. A performance coach is... See more
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