Entries with tag interviews .

wrote a new blog post
25 Jul 2022 - 08:34
 A good story gets you an interview, expanding convincingly on that story gets you the post.  I didn’t always want to be a manager let alone a senior manager. In fact when I started out I thought there were only two types of manager , good managers rended ineffective by out of touch senior managers and bad managers tolerated by out of touch senior managers. Over the years, as my... See more
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wrote a new blog post
23 Jun 2021 - 13:14
You know the argument about whether drivers should have to retake their driving test at regular intervals well the same reasoning applies to recruitment interviews. The roads have got a lot busier since you passed your test and over time all of us pick up some bad driving habits. Well some managers never had any recruitment training they have just done it ever since they became a... See more
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wrote a new blog post
23 Jun 2021 - 13:04
There is an unfairness at the heart of the recruitment process which rewards those who are good at interviews above those who are good at the job. The surprise is not that the traditional interview results in some bad appointments it’s that it ever results in some good ones! HR have tried to shift the emphases away from the focus on the interview by introducing an Assessment Centre... See more
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wrote a new blog post
25 Apr 2021 - 05:50
All to often the first time the boss says how much they value your contribution and appreciate your commitment is at your leaving do! This seems consistent with a resent survey which found 80% of employees felt their manager did not give enough feedback. HR are familiar with the scenario where a manager wishes to terminate an employees employment due to an unsatisfactory probationary... See more
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wrote a new blog post
24 Jul 2017 - 13:39
After the interview comes the waiting. It's the worst part of applying for jobs. I hate it when they say , "we will let you know after the weekend". You spend all weekend going over the interview, did you say the right things, did you come over as someone they could work with, should you have given fuller answers, did you waffle?  It's so hard to read the body language... See more
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wrote a new blog post
06 Sep 2016 - 15:42
  Have you seen that romcom in which the young man inherits his fathers ability to travel back in time, not a long way back only back to a previous incident in their lives. He can go back and change things, not big things like stoping wars , assignations or  plan crashes but small things, those embarrassing moment can be erased from history, words you wish you had never spoken could... See more
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Showing 1 to 6 of 6 entries.