Entries with tag job satisfaction .

wrote a new blog post
12 Jan 2024 - 12:02
Her expectation of work experience whilst still at school were high and unrealistic almost comical to my baby boomer generation but typical of generation G . After the first day she came home complaining that she had been expected to make tea / coffee for everyone and do photocopying! “I know how to make a cup of coffee and work a photocopier” she said indignantly. The rest of the week didn’t... See more
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wrote a new blog post
16 Nov 2023 - 16:15
If you were a footballer you might judge your success in goals. If you were a surgeon it might be the lives saved.  If you were a foster carer it would be the lives you have changed for the better. So how should the rest of us judge our careers?   Imagine that somebody asks you the following question: “How successful has your career been so far?” Would it be easy or hard to answer... See more
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wrote a new blog post
25 Jun 2021 - 10:44
The worst job I ever had was working in the social security office, before computerisation, matching post to case files. Every morning I was given a long list of names to locate their files. The problem was that the filing cabinets were bursting so files were piled on top of cabinets in wobbly towers. Files could also be “ out” meaning on someone’s desk . There was no guarantee the... See more
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wrote a new blog post
06 Feb 2018 - 15:32
  More than a third of British workers think their jobs are meaningless. ( survey by YouGov) So either you think your job is meaningless, one of your colleagues does or some of the people you manage do. If they don't place any value on the work they do, then presumably they don't feel that their contribution adds anything, so what does it matter how hard they work or whether they... See more
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wrote a new blog post
22 Jan 2018 - 18:29
    Most modern employees are effective for about four hours a day the rest is padding and unproductive fretting (US researcher Alex Soojung -Kim Pang "Why you get more done when you work less.") Which is interesting since the average American works a longer day that most Europeans and has only 2 weeks paid holiday a year. On reading this my first question was... See more
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