Entries with tag leadership styles .

wrote a new blog post
29 Nov 2022 - 10:37
I once worked for a boss who was fond of telling people he felt privileged to be a Director of social services. Echoing that same ever so humble sentiment. Had the term been prevalent at the time he would probably have seen himself as a servant leader. He wasn’t.  Servant Leadership sounds like a contradiction in terms. A servant is someone who does the bidding of... See more
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wrote a new blog post
05 Apr 2018 - 13:56
Managers don’t have favourites. Managers don’t castigate individual team members in public. Managers don’t pointedly slight an individual in front of their colleagues. According to received wisdom managers should praise in public and criticise  in private. Those who don’t follow this rule are considered either poor people managers or a bully. And yet there are some well known highly... See more
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