Entrées avec l'étiquette life expectancy .

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25 juin 2018 - 10:28
Some say it is the greatest achievement of modern society. Others say it is the greatest challenge. I am referring to increased life expectancy over the last 70 years. In resent years the focus has been on the cost of this success. The increasing burden on the NHS of an ageing population and the financial implications for pensions. But statistics from ONS appear to indicate  a,”... Voir plus
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12 juil. 2014 - 15:39
  So everything is ok now that Public Health comes under Local Authorities and Directors of Public Health now work in local government . Or so you might think reading the director of public health in Haringey as she writes in the HSJ. We don’t talk about it anymore but there was a time but there was a time when local authorities were ambitious for their populations and felt their... Voir plus
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