Entries with tag marketing .

wrote a new blog post
01 Aug 2014 - 11:34
The problems experienced by Tesco and the response of the board has a lot of parallels with NHS Trusts and Local Authorities. This isn’t surprising since the public sector has been encouraged to adopt the retail model. The financial and business press described it as “brutal". The announcement of his departure was sudden and unexpected. His replacement was already lined up. The loss of his... See more
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wrote a new blog post
12 Jul 2014 - 15:32
The land of marketing over substance, where everything is over sold and routinely under delivered has done a fantastic job of convincing us that they do it better. The politicians look to the US for inspiration particularly on how to win elections. The business community has also bought into the idea that US companies are more competitive and efficient.  In fact we have all been sold the... See more
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wrote a new blog post
12 Jul 2014 - 13:04
I visited my mother in law recently in her sheltered housing scheme and I noticed her Housing Association had changed their logo again. This seems to be the fashion in the public sector as well despite the cost. More hospitals gain Foundation Trust status, mental health and learning disability Trusts merge and NHS and social care services integrate. New organisations are born, new... See more
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