Entrées avec l'étiquette misogyny .

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28 nov. 2023 - 14:20
In the public sector vacant posts are not just a result of poor pay and overwork but of poor treatment of staff due to institutional apathy towards staff subject to bullying, racism and misogyny. And a perceived lack of support from HR. Recent reports about the NHS, the London Met police force and the London Fire and Rescue service have highlighted a disturbing and persistent culture of... Voir plus
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15 sept. 2023 - 10:21

null The Trap

Told from the perspective of three different individuals, the sister of a missing person, a woman who works in the Missing Persons Unit and a serial killer.This is a thriller set in rural Ireland where the tension steadily builds and there are more twists and turns than a country road. The older sister is tormented by not knowing what happened to her younger sister, whether she is dead or... Voir plus
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a écrit un nouveau billet de blog
15 déc. 2022 - 12:15
A few years ago I read an article in the professional press which gave an account of a training programme in support of recruiting more women into the fire and rescue service , not as office staff but as firefighters. The article spoke  of the commitment of senior managers to change the culture within the service. It recognised the historic machoism and the need to challenge sexist... Voir plus
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03 janv. 2017 - 18:52
  The bugs are making people angry and unreasonable. People are disaffected with a deep seated discontent  finding expression in misogyny and racism. Like a virus they infect people, exaggerating prejudices, distorting the way they see the world around them. People become opinionated and intolerant they are dismissive of those who hold different views to them. The bugs... Voir plus
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