Entries with tag privatisation .

wrote a new blog post
30 Nov 2016 - 21:08
The Virgin take over of health and adult social services in Bath has received little media coverage. This is a hugely significant  development. As a former director I am very disappointed but not surprised by the absence of any comment or statement from the association  of directors of adult social services. I can not believe directors of adult social services don't have a... See more
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wrote a new blog post
12 Oct 2015 - 05:57
I don't think we will have too much difficulty delivering this round of budget cuts. I have the board in my pocket.  The inspection is a formality. Can I just say thank you in advance to all those of you who are about to fill in my 360 degree feedback questionnaire  I think you will be very pleased with the new terms and conditions we are imposing it will certainly help many of you... See more
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