Entries with tag reward .

wrote a new blog post
21 Jun 2023 - 08:58
You did well. Despite your lack of experience. You rewarded the confidence we placed in you. There is still a need to improve performance but you certainly delivered. You lifted the place and arrested the decline. However we are an ambitious organisation. Our long term plan does not include standing still.  We do not intend to just coast. It was a difficult decision but we have decided it... See more
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wrote a new blog post
13 Dec 2022 - 11:16
My pay last year was £3.7 million. My last holiday was in the Maldives and antique hunting in France. For relaxation I go to my beach house. I started in retail with a Saturday job in an arts and crafts shop whilst still at school. I have worked my way up from the basement answering queries about wine orders at Harrods to my present post as the highest paid managing Director a... See more
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wrote a new blog post
23 Dec 2018 - 13:14
  The research, from the Ashridge at Hult International Business School, examined the engagement levels of teams of workers, across seven different employment sectors, such as health, government, transport and not-for-profits. It found some very motivated workers and some who were plainly disgruntled and disaffected. But about one in five teams was a conundrum where staff appeared to be... See more
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