Entries with tag self management .

wrote a new blog post
06 Feb 2023 - 16:16
In the tips for being an effective manager time management is always near the top but more radical advice would be manage your energy. People who get things done have in common energy and enthusiasm. But energy is exhaustible, let your batteries run down and you become less effective, let them run down completely and you burn out. So target your efforts, put your energy into projects,... See more
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wrote a new blog post
12 Jul 2014 - 15:25
So it's back to work. The return to work following the bank holiday weekend also signals the end of the holiday season so everyone's back and its heads down until Christmas. Why is it that once you have been back a couple of weeks it feels like you've never been away? Well it doesn't help that it takes so many of us four days into the holiday to fully unwind and 18 percent find it so... See more
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