Entries with tag social services .

wrote a new blog post
08 Aug 2019 - 15:12
The feeling of ever present peril is one familiar to directors of social services. A former boss once confided in me that when ever he read about an abuse scandal he thought about a youth unit that he was responsible for in his early senior management career. Nothing I could ever put me finger on, he said, just a generally feeling of unease about the way the place was run. Such that... See more
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wrote a new blog post
24 Feb 2017 - 13:37
Delayed hospital discharges or " bed blocking " is hot news. As hospitals desperately try to unblock their beds where do they send patients and what happens to them? I am an ex social worker and former Director of community services so I thought I knew the answer but it's different when it's your own mum.   Every day dozens maybe hundreds of older people lose their balance fall... See more
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08 Feb 2017 - 15:25
  A elderly man found wandering and confused in Hereford bus station has no means of identification on him, his clothes are new bought from a Tesco's he appears to speak English but his speech is difficult to understand , all he can tell the police is his name and that he is not from round here. No one has reported him missing and no one comes forward when his  picture is published... See more
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wrote a new blog post
16 Nov 2016 - 23:00
What are managers and professionals getting over enthusiastic about this week? Education, housing, environment, leisure and social services there isn't a local authority service that isn't periodically subject to the claim that someone, somewhere has come up with a way of providing a better service more cheaply.    There are management fads and social work fads.... See more
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wrote a new blog post
06 Sep 2016 - 13:47
  In her dreams she is always lost. Awake she walks into the wardrobe looking for the way out in the dark. The flat is hot, she sleeps a lot. Sometimes when the three of us are talking her head lowers and her eyes close and for a few moments you think she has fallen asleep mid conversation, then she's back. People think she sleeps too much, they suspect she sleeps in the day when on her... See more
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wrote a new blog post
06 Aug 2015 - 09:58
Do you remember The Bill a soap drama with social commentary about the everyday lives of police officers based at Sun Hill nick a London police station. Sarge was fond of telling young new recruits not to get involved in the lives of people and their problems "We're coppers not social workers are job is to nick villains." Ironically social work students at the same time were coming back... See more
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wrote a new blog post
12 Jul 2014 - 13:04
Which is the most bureaucratic of all local government services? http://www.publicservice.co.uk/feature_story.asp?id=20533
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Showing 1 to 7 of 7 entries.