Entries with tag teaching .

wrote a new blog post
18 Oct 2018 - 09:00
  It’s in no ones  interest if students drop out of courses or leave the profession a couple of years after qualifying. It may seem counter productive for those trying to fill courses or recruit people to the profession but rather than just emphasis the ability to help people and make a real difference to their lives we should be frank about the frustrations, limitations and how they... See more
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wrote a new blog post
22 Mar 2016 - 19:03
  One participant, a young woman , immediately volunteered an account of how she had confronted a member of her team about the standard of their work.  " I challenged her and she left - walked out of the building the same day". The woman said. " I had really prepared using feedback from the role play we did . It was really effective. I think I was able to stand my ground better. I... See more
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wrote a new blog post
12 Jul 2014 - 15:09
What's it like to be a teacher in today's state schools? What's it like to be a pupil in 2013? We all went to school and many of us are parents of school children so we all think we know something about schools, how they used to be, how they should be. The government, the media and most of the general public think education is about exams results, if Educating Yorkshire is representative... See more
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