Entrées avec l'étiquette transformation .

a écrit un nouveau billet de blog
02 août 2021 - 18:35
Many employees would recognise this as a description of their organisation. They have survived numerous reorganisations, frequent changes of leadership, the adoption of different working practises , the imposition of new terms and conditions of employment , the introduction of the latest technology, the outsourcing of production and the bringing it back in-house and yet they feel... Voir plus
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a écrit un nouveau billet de blog
22 mars 2016 - 14:15
  Passion is an over used word in local government especially in job interviews. Candidates for management posts are always "passionate" about the service, passionate about empowering staff/ citizens, passionate about choice, passionate about quality, passionate about equality but mostly just passionate. But do you need to be so passionate, is it enough to be a competent... Voir plus
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a écrit un nouveau billet de blog
12 juil. 2014 - 15:32
The difficult financial climate has thrown up a new range of HR challenges.   Management is still about managing budgets and managing people, it is still about promoting good practise and challenging bad practise, it is still about managing change and getting people to do what needs to be done but budget cuts, service reductions and concern about service standards mean that there is a... Voir plus
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