Entries with tag unconscious bias .

wrote a new blog post
04 Dec 2018 - 12:05
Racism and sexism are taboo. Equalities are enshrined in the law yet society still looks unfair. People strenuously deny being racists and yet the evidence of discrimination backs up the claims of people from ethnic and religious minority groups. The explanation, unconscious bias. Basically people don’t know they are doing it. They have involuntarily soaked up attitudes, beliefs and stereotypes... See more
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wrote a new blog post
05 Apr 2017 - 10:14
  Hull university has apparently issued guidance to students on the use of gender neutral language informing them that they they risk their work being down graded if they fail to adopt this approach. I was surprised students needed to be told. I would have though that long before arriving at university they would have appreciated the importance of language, that they would have noted... See more
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