Entrées avec l'étiquette vision .

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24 oct. 2020 - 15:43
  They sound like a communist party slogan from the soviet era. Something like,  Trust in the party and the United workers will achieve great Progress. They are in fact the easy to remember headline words of the value statement of a small deprived midland local authority I once worked for. Helpfully the website explains what each word stands for. Trust – Shows respect, makes a... Voir plus
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29 juin 2018 - 12:33
There are known knowns; that is to say there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns- the ones we don’t know we don’t know. (Donald Rumsfeld)  Try saying that at your next teaming.   www.blairmcpherson.co.uk 
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18 juil. 2016 - 15:21
  Leaders have vision. Leaders can describe what the future will look like if we only have faith in them. So what, we can all say "wouldn't it be nice if.....?" The difference is they have the power to make it happen or rather, "together we can make it happen". Can we ? "Yes we can" President Obama said repeatedly in one of the most inspiring taking up office speeches. Nice sentiment... Voir plus
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21 mars 2020 - 17:29
The announcement that Steve Jobs is to step down as chief executive of Apple for health reasons had an immediate impact on share prices and has prompted discussion about whether it is good for a company to be so identified with one individual. The so called cult of the chief executive is also recognised in the public sector. These are individuals who are credited with turning around... Voir plus
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