Entrées avec l'étiquette voluntary sector .

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25 juil. 2016 - 18:45
Being business like  has come to mean winning contracts. Hence the chief executive of a small voluntary organisation that has grown into a dominant player in the market claims " rivals" don't like the fact that we are more business like. (Or maybe they don 't like the way you win contracts!) Just as Local Authorities in outsourcing services, ruthlessly pursuing value for money and... Voir plus
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06 août 2015 - 09:58
Do you remember The Bill a soap drama with social commentary about the everyday lives of police officers based at Sun Hill nick a London police station. Sarge was fond of telling young new recruits not to get involved in the lives of people and their problems "We're coppers not social workers are job is to nick villains." Ironically social work students at the same time were coming back... Voir plus
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06 août 2015 - 09:50
  How much say should a Local Authority have in how a voluntary organisation is run? In the case of Kids Company the government thinks it is reasonable to tell a voluntary organisation to remove its charismatic and outspoken chief executive if it wants to continue receiving government funds. This is such a high profile organisation, one that in the past senior politicians have been happy... Voir plus
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24 févr. 2015 - 13:38

null Adoption

The adoption process is stressful. First you have to decide whether your life style is compatible with providing a good home. How much do you want this?Is one of you prepared to put your career on hold even if only in the short term. Have you thought about the restrictions on your social life and holidays? People do make cover arrangements but if neglect has been an issue the agency will not... Voir plus
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