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19 déc. 2018 - 17:20
It’s not such a disaster and certainly not a disgraced to get the sack. Provided it wasn’t for accessing porn on your work lap top or making a racists joke at the office Christmas do.  It’s a myth that being forced out of one authority you won’t be welcome in another. In my view if you have never been asked to leave you probably haven’t been trying hard enough. The reasons they wanted you... Voir plus
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null 52391 vues
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18 déc. 2018 - 15:41

null Ghosts 

  The candidate who doesn’t turn up for the interview. The person offered the post who asks to think about it over night and never gets back to you. The guy who doesn’t return after the first day. The employee who simply doesn’t turn in for work one day and is never seen or heard of again. These are the ghosts. First noticed during the explosion in the Chinese economy, a massive... Voir plus
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null 52737 vues
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06 déc. 2018 - 16:25
A meritocracy is a good thing isn’t it? A football team selected on skill and effort would be a good example of a meritocracy in action. The Sunday league team I played for and the kids teams I have been involved with are examples of why a meritocracy is not a good thing.  Team selection was not based on merit alone although there were always those who thought it should be. Every season... Voir plus
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null 51027 vues
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06 déc. 2018 - 11:21
  I once told the head of HR that the tail shouldn’t wag the dog. I didn’t last long in that organisation. I leant my lesson.  I had been in post about a year when there was a management restructuring and the chief executive offered me the post of assistant director operations. A couple of weeks later the director of HR invited me to head office to discuss how we would work together... Voir plus
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null 39995 vues
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04 déc. 2018 - 12:05
Racism and sexism are taboo. Equalities are enshrined in the law yet society still looks unfair. People strenuously deny being racists and yet the evidence of discrimination backs up the claims of people from ethnic and religious minority groups. The explanation, unconscious bias. Basically people don’t know they are doing it. They have involuntarily soaked up attitudes, beliefs and stereotypes... Voir plus
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null 27208 vues
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28 nov. 2018 - 17:19
I heard of a director spending the day in a wheel chair, “ to get to know what’s it like having a disability”. Whilst I could see that this was well intentioned pretending to be disabled for a day didn’t feel right nor did it seem the best way to learn about the obstacles and attitudes that restrict an individual’s independence.    I felt the same way when I read about a new... Voir plus
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null 25494 vues
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26 nov. 2018 - 15:21
In the past the answer would have been senior management, the Trade Union and HR. But senior management can no longer be relied on to set a good example, the trade unions have been weakened,  so that leaves HR !   Let’s be brutally honest where there is a bulling problem there is also a lack of confidence in HR to tackle it. This is probably unfair on HR. They have developed the... Voir plus
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null 27524 vues
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25 nov. 2018 - 11:25
So you think leadership is about vision, taking responsibility and inspiring others. Leadership is about holding on to power.  We talk a lot about leadership qualities but we tend to skip over the darker skills used by leaders to defeat challengers. I’m referring to isolating, undermining and intimidating.  Getting people on your side in order to isolate any challenger. Emphasising... Voir plus
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null 26695 vues
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12 nov. 2018 - 18:35
David Attenborough appears to be demonstrating that apes have much in common when it comes to leadership. Perhaps it’s not so surprising that chimpanzees and naked apes should take the same approach to gaining and retaining power. May be you find it reassuring to learn that it’s not just humans who resort to bulling, scheming and ganging up to get to the top of the hierarchy. Personally I found... Voir plus
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null 27190 vues
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09 janv. 2019 - 11:20
Spotted last October whizzing past the sun, too fast to have originated in our solar system. It disappeared from view in January. It was long and thin, unlike any asteroid or comet seen before. It’s surface was carbon based not ice or rock and passing the sun it suddenly sped up. A space ship? If it was aliens why didn’t they call in and say hello? After all as far as we know we are the only... Voir plus
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null 28924 vues
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05 nov. 2018 - 17:21

null Zombies 

  The undead walk amongst us. At first only when it got dark  but now day and night. Initially in remote locations now in shopping malls, and city centres. Once the undead shuffled slowly so could easily be out run but not any more. Their decaying bodies and general lack of hygiene make them very unattractive. Their totally lack of personality make them completely uninteresting.... Voir plus
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null 34912 vues
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04 nov. 2018 - 17:03

null Ambition

Late forties, early fifties you’re at your peak. You’ve got the experience and you’ve still got the energy and drive. There is this nagging doubt that if you don’t make it by fifty five you probably never will. So now is the best time to go for that top job. You know from your former boss that a well known management consultancy engaged to recruit for top jobs has been making discreet... Voir plus
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null 33015 vues
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01 nov. 2018 - 21:59
  A scheming senior manager seeks to undermine a colleague by ringing that person at home the night before an important meeting to say the chair has requested the start time of the meeting be put back an hour. In fact the request was for the meeting to be brought forward an hour. The individual arrives just as the meeting is finishing. They apologise to the chair, who is clearly annoyed,... Voir plus
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null 34099 vues
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29 oct. 2018 - 21:39
The manager really rated the officer in charge of one of three homes for older people she was responsible for. She felt the officer had really implemented choice, dignity and respect in the way the home was run. The symbol of this was the no locked front door approach despite the presence of a number of residents in the home suffering from dementia who were , “wanders”. It was a matter of pride... Voir plus
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null 42379 vues
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26 oct. 2018 - 13:00
These days to succeed an organisation must promote team work and embrace collaboration there is simply no room room for big egos or there shouldn’t be.  Lo ego leadership is not generally what you expect from a chief executive or chair of the board. Leaders tend to think they are important and their contribution is more valuable than that of others. This can and does get in the way.... Voir plus
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null 48244 vues
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23 oct. 2018 - 17:55
You pull a lever and nothing happens. Tony Blair said this about his period in office but I think he was quoting President Bill Clinton. The point being that despite occupying very powerful positions both were frustrated by the long time delay between making a decision and seeing some action and on occasions pulling the levers of government and seeing no action. Cabinet members and Senior... Voir plus
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null 47425 vues
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22 oct. 2018 - 16:04
  Just how much should a manager know about an individual’s personal life? What if you like to keep your private life private but your boss wants to really get to know you, those you live with and what you do when you’re  not at work? Phil Neville the England football manager is adopting a very different relationship with his players. He wants to really get to know them, not just... Voir plus
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null 42232 vues
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18 oct. 2018 - 09:00
  It’s in no ones  interest if students drop out of courses or leave the profession a couple of years after qualifying. It may seem counter productive for those trying to fill courses or recruit people to the profession but rather than just emphasis the ability to help people and make a real difference to their lives we should be frank about the frustrations, limitations and how they... Voir plus
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null 43075 vues
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15 oct. 2018 - 16:26
  It can be difficult to get politicians to say publicly something they know will be unpopular. So being a local Authority senior manager and having a cabinet member who requests you write his speeches sounds ideal. But .......     The cabinet member with responsibility for the directorate agreed some difficult things needed saying. He was happy for me as the then... Voir plus
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null 47114 vues
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11 oct. 2018 - 10:43
Who is really calling the shots in your local council? Is it the leader of the council, the chief executive, the majority party, the cabinet, the officers ,the councillors, the trade unions ( no not these days) or non of these? Central government has always sort to control local government even whilst promoting devolution, localisation and elected mayors. It has always been a source of... Voir plus
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null 51635 vues