
Driving engagement in the new Knowledge Hub

Engagement: Get your content noticed and increase participation

We know engagement is what drives people to participate. When you’re trying to draw members into a conversation, help build trust in your group, or help other members discover what you are writing about, there are some ways to get your compelling content noticed.

Here is a rundown of all the engagement features you’ll be able to use when your new KHub goes live.

@mentions example1. @mentions
Whether you’re writing a blog, posting a new discussion, or commenting on something, simply type the @ symbol to see the screen name of the person you want to mention. You’ll see that when you start typing, a list of suggested names pops up. Gradually, as you type more of the person’s name, the suggestions will narrow down until you see the one you want to select. This allows you to bring them into the conversation and be notified that they have been mentioned, while keeping the conversation flowing.

2. Subscribe to a blog
With so many members writing blogs on the Knowledge Hub, it would be great if you could be updated when the members you are most interested in post a new blog. A new feature will enable you to subscribe to another member’s blog. You’ll be able to receive email and/or in-platform notifications each time they post a blog. This will help you keep up to date with blogs from members whose opinions and reflections you trust and like to read. It also gives you an opportunity to comment on blogs as soon as they are published and keep up to date with the conversation.

3. Profile logos
The new in-line profile editor will make it a whole lot simpler for you to add your photo or image.
To make profiles more engaging where members have chosen to not include a photo, we will be introducing profile logos that will display your initials with a random colour background. This means no more boring, grey icons and a much brighter, more colourful Knowledge Hub.

4. Group logos
Adding a group image helps you build your group identity and enables potential members to recognise the group quickly, so they can join. We will be making it easier to identify groups that have no logo in the new Knowledge Hub by displaying the initials of the group name with a random colour background.

5. Images
Knowledge Hub’s new image picker makes uploading and editing images really easy. Use images in your blog, add them to a forum post, or use them in a wiki page. Wherever you use images, click the image picker to allow you to re-size, crop or even adding some whizzy effects using the adjustment and filter tools.

And of course, you’ll still be able to use the digital collaboration tools you’ve come to know and love, such as discussion forums, messages, announcements, polls, wiki pages and ideas.

Look out for our next blog for more sneak previews and news on what’s changing on Knowledge Hub this year.

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I'm particulary looking forward to the @ mentions being added!
I really like the inclusion of '@' mentions. They are a great way to bring others into a conversation.