Entries with tag public services .

wrote a new blog post
06 Sep 2022 - 15:37
After months of hard work, we’re thrilled to announce that the newly upgraded and refreshed Knowledge Hub is due to go live soon.  On the morning of Monday 19 September 2022, the updated platform will be live and includes a brand new look and feel, easier navigation, enhancements to key collaborative features plus a range of new interactive elements. To make these important technical ... See more
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wrote a new blog post
13 Sep 2017 - 14:23
We are excited to tell you that your new Knowledge Hub will be available on Monday 24 July 2017. To make important technical changes and upgrade to the new version of the platform, Knowledge Hub will be unavailable from 5pm on Thursday 20 July until 9am Monday 24 July.   This upgrade has taken a little longer than we expected, but we hope you will agree that it will have been worth... See more
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wrote a new blog post
05 Jul 2017 - 12:04
The idea of blogging can be a daunting experience. Not knowing where to start, what topics to write about, and building the confidence to share your thoughts and ideas online can make you feel nervous about writing a blog. We are often asked to explain what a blog is and when a blog should be used. We’re not necessarily experts, but we have had a bit of blog-writing experience. So, we have... See more
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wrote a new blog post
28 Jun 2017 - 12:12
If you’re currently an online group facilitator you’ll know that it can take a bit of time and effort to get started, but once your group is up and running it can be helpful, rewarding, and even fun! It doesn’t have to be a job you do on your own either, you can work together with colleagues from your own team, organisation or others within the same role across the sector. Why is the... See more
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wrote a new blog post
14 Jun 2017 - 12:04
Your new improved collaborative experience is coming soon! Yes, we know we’ve been talking about it for some time now, but after some teething troubles, we are almost there and want to remind you about some of the exciting features to look forward to. 1. New look and feel Your new version of Knowledge Hub has a fresh new design with clearer, simplified navigation and contextual menus, so... See more
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wrote a new blog post
07 Jun 2017 - 12:01
We all know that online groups can make collaboration possible between people. This is most effective when the group has a clear purpose and is supported by a committed facilitation team. In time the group will provide value to both the members and the wider stakeholders involved. There are lots of different terms used to describe online groups and communities. They tend to use the catch... See more
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wrote a new blog post
31 May 2017 - 12:23
Online groups in Knowledge Hub have a wide range of collaborative functionality at their disposal to work together and share information with like-minded colleagues. We often find that the group forum and library are the tools that members use most frequently. We talked about the forum in our last blog post: 5 types of discussions that you will find in an active online group. This time,... See more
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wrote a new blog post
24 May 2017 - 12:37
“Who needs to ask a question in an online community, when you can just Google it?” I hear you ask. It’s a fair point of course. You can find an answer to every question just by searching the internet these days. However, is it a quality answer to your question? How do you know if it’s reliable? What is the source? With so much fake news making the headlines, it’s increasingly difficult to... See more
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wrote a new blog post
17 May 2017 - 12:13
Events and activities are a great way to keep members of your online group coming back for more. The next time you are planning an event or face to face get together, encourage your members to get involved in shaping the event. This will not only help with attendance, but can help generate more activities and ideas to be developed online as well as at the face to face event. Here are three... See more
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wrote a new blog post
26 Nov 2018 - 16:17
Ideas come and go. The really great ideas usually spring up unexpectedly in moments of inspiration, often when a group of people come together. Ideas tend to emerge more easily when we free ourselves from the mundane, everyday, conventional thoughts and allow time for creative thinking. Having a space to jot down these ideas can be very useful, and can lead our collective thoughts and... See more
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wrote a new blog post
26 Nov 2018 - 16:19
One of the most important and active features of any online group is the library. An organised and regularly maintained library can facilitate the exchange of information to help you and other members learn and grow. Not only is the library effective for bringing the group’s resources together, it allows members to share useful and relevant content with each other. Here are 10 features... See more
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wrote a new blog post
26 Apr 2017 - 12:36
We’ve all heard of Wikipedia, the free encyclopaedia, written collaboratively by the people who use it. They create, update and moderate content that is accessible to everyone. Wikis can also be excellent tools when applied to online groups.   Groups are finding the wiki useful because it allows members to easily co-create and present information without the need to email documents and... See more
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wrote a new blog post
19 Apr 2017 - 12:31
Building your professional network is becoming more and more important. So how can you make the most of your Knowledge Hub membership to do this? Connecting with members on Knowledge Hub is quick and easy and allows you to start to build your professional network within the public sector, and with those in other sectors who are working to improve public services. By connecting with... See more
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wrote a new blog post
17 Mar 2017 - 13:48
After months of developing and testing, we are pleased to tell you that your new Knowledge Hub is almost here! It's taking a little longer than we expected, but we want to ensure that we deliver a Knowledge Hub that not only has a new look and feel, but provides an improved collaborative experience too. To make this happen, we have undergone numerous rounds of user feedback, re-testing... See more
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wrote a new blog post
08 Mar 2017 - 13:51
We know engagement is what drives people to participate. When you’re trying to draw members into a conversation, help build trust in your group, or help other members discover what you are writing about, there are some ways to get your compelling content noticed. Here is a rundown of all the engagement features you’ll be able to use when your new KHub goes live. 1. @mentions Whether... See more
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wrote a new blog post
01 Mar 2017 - 14:25
If you’ve ever searched for people to connect with or groups to join on Knowledge Hub, you’ll have noticed that there are rather a lot of grey profile images for individuals and the same green ‘k’ icons on groups. These will soon be a thing of the past as your new Knowledge Hub will be full of colour and vibrancy... A community of trust Research from online communities suggests that... See more
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wrote a new blog post
22 Feb 2017 - 16:13
We are pleased to let you know that the new version of Knowledge Hub is due to go live soon. Over the last few months we have been working to build a new look and feel for Knowledge Hub, with many modernised features to improve your KHub experience. In case you missed it, here’s a reminder of some of the exciting new features you can look forward to:   The new look and feel will... See more
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wrote a new blog post
15 Feb 2017 - 14:00
Your new Knowledge Hub has an exciting new look and feel, along with some improved ways to use the functionality and get involved in your groups. One of the things you told us was that you’d like to see less wordy, cluttered pages. So, to provide you with a much cleaner, clearer experience, the new layout will make it easier for you to immediately see what’s relevant to you. Introducing... See more
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wrote a new blog post
08 Feb 2017 - 15:06
Uploading images to discussion forums, wiki pages and blogs should be easy, but it’s not always been straight forward on Knowledge Hub. Until now… Your new version of Knowledge Hub will include some welcome changes to the image picker that will make your experience of uploading a picture much easier.   Once you’ve clicked the ‘add image’ icon, simply select the image you want from your... See more
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wrote a new blog post
01 Feb 2017 - 16:06
Whenever you write something on Knowledge Hub, be it a blog, a discussion or a comment, it’s important that what you say gets noticed. All the more reason for the mechanics of writing something to be as simple as possible. In your new version of Knowledge Hub, the new simpler text editor interface will give you a chance to concentrate on what really matters - your words! What makes it so... See more
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Showing 1 to 20 of 28 entries.