
#OurDay 2014 facts, figures and favourites

Wednesday 26 November 2014 saw the third annual #OurDay celebration. OurDay is an opportunity to showcase the fantastic work that goes on every day across public service. From local government, health and education to those who give up their time voluntarily to serve others, OurDay is about recognising all those who contribute to public service in some way.


And what a day we had! Here’s the lowdown…

Facts & figures

  • 16,600 tweets
  • 8,000 accounts
  • 397million potential reach
16,600 tweets 397 million potential reach







Share of sentiment by percentage 33.5 positive 11.8 negative 54.7 neutral


The #OurDay top 100 influencers were:

The top 100 OurDay influencers


The #OurDay hashtag was trending at number two in the UK for four hours during the day.

OurDay was trending for 2 hours from 10am and for 2 hours from 2pmOurDay trending in the UK at number 2

There were a huge number of high quality tweets, with loads of photos and videos shared too, but what were we talking about…?

Chart showing themes discussed: local, today, team, residents, school, staff, people etc.Chart showing themes discussed: local government, work, service, public, government, council etc.


There were sooo many tweets, it’s hard to pick a few favourites, but we really loved the tweets from South Cambridgeshire, Cheshire East and Wigan Councils. Here are just three examples. To see a whole load of our favourites from across the day and the wide range of people that took part, check out our storify.

Before and after shot - broken road sign, fixed road sign

Wrapping Christmas presents for charity

Lose weight, feel great exercise class


So, thank you everyone who contributed to #OurDay. It was great to recognise and celebrate the achievements of everyone involved in delivering public services. See you next year...?!

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Well done to everyone involved. It was a great day. Very pleased that @MDC_News is among top influencers. Can you please tell me more about this and how it's calculated so I can explain to colleagues? Thanks
Hi Caroline, glad you enjoyed it. It really was a fantastic day, thanks for taking part. Below are the definitions. Top influencers - those who wrote the most posts about #OurDay, whose posts reached the largest audience (largest reach) or the ones that generated the most virality (largest engagement). Reach - the number of ‘followers’. Engagement - number of ‘retweets’ made on the post. Hope this helps. Thanks Dimple