Entries with tag ourday .

wrote a new blog post
19 Nov 2019 - 13:24
Today sees many of those who are working and volunteering to deliver public services to our communities share the great and important work they are doing to keep our communities going. Organisations and individuals from public sector organisations and the voluntary sector, and its partners, are coming together to showcase what a day in the life of public service is really like for... See more
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wrote a new blog post
21 Nov 2017 - 13:01
#OurDay is just one day that showcases this work being carried out in our communities every day by public sector organisations, the voluntary sector and partners. We know that there are lots of great examples of this happening every day on Knowledge Hub too, and to help celebrate #OurDay we wanted to highlight how our members are working together. From improving project delivery, discussing... See more
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wrote a new blog post
20 Nov 2015 - 10:39
With over 36,000 tweets throughout #OurDay on Wednesday 18 November, it's no wonder we've struggled to come up with our top 10! However, between them, Dimple and Liz of the Knowledge Hub Team have come up with five favourites each that they feel represent the diversity of the day. Liz has cheated and glued two together, but you needed to see the second part of the story too, so she's counting... See more
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wrote a new blog post
19 Nov 2015 - 17:30
Since 2012 those working and volunteering to deliver public services have been coming together for an annual 24 hour tweetathon called #OurDay to showcase the important work that happens every day in our communities. It’s just one day in the year to tell the story of what really happens in public services. On Wednesday 18 November the fourth #OurDay was held, and it was combined with... See more
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wrote a new blog post
27 Nov 2014 - 15:36
Wednesday 26 November 2014 saw the third annual #OurDay celebration. OurDay is an opportunity to showcase the fantastic work that goes on every day across public service. From local government, health and education to those who give up their time voluntarily to serve others, OurDay is about recognising all those who contribute to public service in some way.   And what a day we had!... See more
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wrote a new blog post
17 Nov 2014 - 12:20
Imagine you are new in post and having access, literally at your fingertips, to the latest thinking and challenges faced in your work area. As well as (or instead of in many cases) traditional learning methods, you can take charge of building and improving your own knowledge and stay ahead of the field. Similarly, imagine you’ve been in post for years and having a trusted place to go where... See more
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wrote a new blog post
07 Nov 2014 - 17:17
Aside from ensuring that every tweet you do on Wednesday 26 November includes the hashtag #OurDay, we thought we’d highlight what makes a great OurDay tweet by sharing again some of last year’s favourites to give you some ideas… 1. Include a quirky picture       Last year there were some fantastic photos shared displaying all manner of public service.... See more
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Showing 1 to 7 of 7 entries.