Entrées avec l'étiquette culture change .

a écrit un nouveau billet de blog
20 juin 2016 - 07:50
As usual the national Digital Leaders conference in London last week was a great opportunity to catch up with old friends and new, listen to and learn from some first rate speakers and consider some good food for thought. One of the activities during the day was an interactive, dynamic word cloud that encouraged everyone to feed in one word in answer to a question about the key themes of the... Voir plus
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a écrit un nouveau billet de blog
02 oct. 2014 - 08:56
I suppose it’s not surprising because of my job that a lot of people ask me, “So, this Knowledge Hub, what’s it all about?” And my answer…? Well, it doesn’t vary much; it usually goes something along the lines of “It’s a digital platform that enables people to collaborate with each other, to share information, good practice, experience and ideas, hopefully with the outcome of improving the... Voir plus
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