Entries with tag community manager .

wrote a new blog post
18 Feb 2015 - 09:31
You always know that a get-together has gone well when you get kicked out of the room and everyone is still in in-depth conversation as they are walking out of the room and still chatting in the corridor and lift. Yesterday (Tuesday 17th Feb) was our first face to face get together of Online Facilitators across the Knowledge Hub and a couple of guests. This will hopefully be the first of... See more
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wrote a new blog post
12 Jul 2014 - 13:05
  On Sunday night (if you stayed up that late or got up that early) you would have seen the Oscars. Michael Hahn wrote a great little blog, looking at the idea of Oscars for Community Managers/Facilitators This is the weekend when the Oscars will be live on television. The Oscars are the most prestigious awards given for the movie industry. The endless amount of news on the... See more
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