
By 24th March - Consultation on the Health and Social Care Network (HSCN) Programme

The Health and Social Care Network (HSCN) programme has been established to succeed N3, which is the current National Network for the NHS. They are keen to collate the views of Health and Social Care providers to enable them to develop a network provision that is fit for purpose both now and in the future.
N3 is the National Network for the NHS which provides IT infrastructure, Internet Protocol networking services and broadband capacity to meet current NHS and social care organisations’ IT needs. The Health and Social Care Network (HSCN) programme will provide the replacement for the N3 network. It is currently working up options to establish a reliable, fast and safe mechanism for health and social care organisations to exchange information in the future.

This short survey is commissioned by the programme and intended to gain insight into the changing health and social care environment, as these may affect demand on HSCN.
They would really appreciate a few moments of your time to give your views and opinions. This will help keep the network provision fit for purpose both now and in the future.

This is a request to spare a few moments of your time to complete the first of two surveys running in the coming weeks. The link to the survey is provided below. Your opinion is important, and your responses will help shape the future network provision. The programme is working to a fairly tight timetable so would greatly appreciate that where possible you are able to complete this survey by Tuesday 24th March.

Thanks in advance for your assistance and input. If you have any queries about this survey please do not hesitate to contact the HSCN Programme Office at

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