
Dementia Intelligence Network: Launch of the Dementia Profile and Catalogue

Public Health England's National Mental Health, Dementia and Neurology Intelligence Network announce the launch of the dementia profile and data catalogue


The dementia profile gives commissioners, local decision makers and health professionals access to local data and intelligence across the whole pathway of dementia care; from prevalence and diagnosis through to end of life. It will enable local teams to transparently compare themselves against other areas in England, or those with similar demographics. The profile hosts data for six key domains: prevalence, preventing well, diagnosing well, living well, supporting well, and dying well.


Accompanying the dementia profile is a data catalogue, which lists and grades all of the dementia data that the DIN is currently aware of or has had requests for. The data catalogue is the first step in ensuring all gaps in dementia data are filled, and aims to stimulate conversation across organisations and promote joint working to make more data available for potential inclusion within the dementia profile.


The dementia profile and catalogue can be found here.


If you would like to receive further information or training in the use of these tool please contact


Mental Health Intelligence Network: Updates and developments

The suite of NMHIN profiling tools have been developed to support an intelligence driven approach to understanding and meeting need. They collate and analyse a wide range of publically available data on prevalence, risk, prevention, early intervention, assessment, treatment, outcomes and service costs. They provide commissioners, service providers, clinicians, services users and their families with the means to benchmark their area against similar populations and gain intelligence about what works.


Severe Mental Health (SMI) Profiling Tool

The SMI profiling tool is going through a period of change as the key data set goes through a year of transition from the Mental Health Minimum Dataset (MHMDS) to the Mental Health and Learning Disabilities Dataset (MHLDDS) to the Mental Health Services Data Set (MHSDS) - reporting from which is due to begin April 2016. These changes have caused delays in routine updating and have restricted the numbers of activity and outcome metrics within the tool that can be updated quarterly. All metrics that can be updated have been and it is expected that gaps will be addressed when MHSDS has a full reporting programme.

Metrics based on QOF, programme budget, UNIFY, prescribing and community services data have all been recently updated. In February the profiling tool will be expanded to meet the requested need to also present some additional metrics by Mental Health Trust. 

The SMI profiling tool can be found here.


Common Mental Health Disorders Profiling Tool

Additional IAPT based metrics on waiting times and treatment dosage have been added to the profiling tool. Metrics based on QOF, programme budget, and prescribing have been recently updated.  The Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) dataset has gone through a significant revision enabling expansion of metric detail. The profiling tool will soon include detail on those referred, entering treatment, and completing treatment by broad diagnosis group and increased detail on therapy type.

The CMHD profiling tool can be found here.


Co-existing Substance Misuse and Mental Health Issues Profile

The CESMMHI profile, which contains indicators around tobacco smoking, alcohol use and drug use, has been updated with the latest year’s data for the large majority of indicators.  Please note that the updates include several indicators on alcohol and drug treatment which, as well as being updated for 2014/15 data, have been subject to changed methodology around the reporting of substance misuse treatment.  For February, the CESMMHI tool will be extended to include backdated data on substance misuse indicators and to highlight common risk factors for mental health and substance misuse as well as incorporating relevant indicators of local prevalence of mental health issues and local service provision.

The CESMMHI profile can be found here.

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