
Developing a Mental Health and Wellbeing Intelligence Network (PHE)

The new, yet to be launched, Mental Health and Wellbeing Intelligence Network led by Public Health England is starting to shape some work around information and resources for health and wellbeing. Part of the initial phase is to find out what work is being carried out already around

  • measuring wellbeing, for example, information, tools and survey questions in use;
  • planning and providing services to improve wellbeing; and
  • understanding what local areas would find useful to inform their health and wellbeing strategies and commissioning requirements. For example sources of evidence to inform what works in improving wellbeing, and information on measurement and evaluation of wellbeing and its determinants.

If you have any questions about the plans for the Mental Health and Wellbeing Intelligence Network, any questions relating to wellbeing you would like help in answering, or if you have information and tools you want to share, please get in touch with Gillian Bryant (Northern and Yorkshire Knowledge and Intelligence Team at Public Health England).


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