
DH Consultation on local authority public health allocations 2015 to 2016

The Department of Health (DH) has opened its consultation on the £200m reduction to the Public Health Grant, stating its preferred option is a standard 6.2% cut to all local authorities, but also asking for feedback on other options such as identifying which local authorities have more in unspent reserves or reducing the grant dependent on individual circumstances.

As part of wider government action on deficit reduction, the Department of Health (DH) has been asked to deliver savings of £200 million in the financial year 2015 to 2016 through reductions to the Public Health Grant to local authorities (LAs). They are currently consulting on possible options on how the £200 million savings might be spread across LAs and ask 3 questions on how they can be delivered most fairly and effectively. A consultation document summarises the outstanding policy issues on which views are sought.

This consultation closes on 28th August 2015.

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