Entrées avec l'étiquette integration .

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21 juin 2017 - 09:09
The Town and Country Planning Association (TCPA) is undertaking a survey to examine practical issues relevant to taking into account healthcare needs and infrastructure by Local Authorities in the (town and country) planning process (local plans and planning applications for new developments). This project forms part of the Association's Reuniting Health with Planning initiative.  ... Voir plus
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21 avr. 2017 - 11:56
Survey seeking councillor views on their engagement in the development of local Sustainability and Transformation Plans UPDATE: Thank you to all councillors who have already submitted their feedback. The deadline has now been extended to 11 May to provide opportunity for further submissions. The LGA is committed to supporting councils to ensure that councillors are fully involved in the... Voir plus
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22 févr. 2017 - 14:14
A local investment programme run by the Care & Health Improvement Programme at the LGA, in partnership with NHS Digital, is inviting councils to bid for one-off funding of up to £50,000 for projects (to be delivered during 2017/18) that seek to use information and technology to improve adult social care outcomes and deliver financial savings.   Please complete an... Voir plus
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06 févr. 2017 - 16:26
  A single council view of the latest delayed transfers of care monthly data is available in a local authority (LA) level report in LG Inform. More detailed analysis at both Trust and LA level is available through a set of Excel tools - Delayed transfers of care (DTOC) tool (Excel tool – detailed interrogation of monthly data), along with a further version of this file focusing on the... Voir plus
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25 oct. 2016 - 08:25
The King's Fund are holding an essay competition to stimulate new thinking and writing about the future of the NHS. They invite you to write your own essay exploring a future scenario for the NHS, considering the potential impact on the health system and wider society. An expert panel of judges will select the winning essay, which will be published on The King’s Fund’s The NHS if…... Voir plus
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04 oct. 2016 - 10:26
Shared Intelligence were commissioned by the Local Government Association (LGA) to explore in detail the characteristics of an effective Health and Wellbeing Board (HWB). They did this by carrying out case study visits to ten HWBs and conducting over 60 face-to-face and telephone interviews with HWB members. Interviewees included HWB chairs and vice chairs (generally a council... Voir plus
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29 sept. 2016 - 15:01
This report, published jointly by the Nuffield Trust with The King's Fund, looks at the current state of social care services for older people in England, through a combination of national data and interviews with local authorities, NHS and private providers, Healthwatch and other groups. It considers the impact of cuts in local authority spending on social care providers and on older people,... Voir plus
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29 sept. 2016 - 14:32
Nesta has launched a new report, Health as a Social Movement: The Power of People in Movements, produced as part of NHS England’s Health as a Social Movement Programme. It illuminates the value and role of health social movements and aims to foster debate, experiments and development of a practice around social movements in health. A health social movement is a people-powered effort to... Voir plus
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21 sept. 2016 - 09:31
Community pharmacy has a central role to play in delivering high quality, sustainable health and care services and improving population health outcomes. Community pharmacies are the nation’s most accessible healthcare providers but remain under- utilised.  90% of the population live within 20 minutes walking distance of a pharmacy, and pharmacies are open for longer hours than many other... Voir plus
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11 juil. 2016 - 09:12
The Local Government Association and the Association of Directors of Public Health have teamed up in preparing a valuable report describing how public health can support integration, and through six case studies illustrates what Public Health’s expertise can contribute to the planning, commissioning and delivering of more integrated services.   Find out more in the report To see how... Voir plus
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23 avr. 2015 - 13:15
What are the parties promising on health and social care? The King's Fund have gone through the Conservative, Labour, Liberal Democrat, Green and UKIP manifestos to find out. You can explore the results as an animated infographic or a downloadable round-up. As we approach the 2015 general election, the NHS is one of the most important issues facing Britain. This King's Fund election... Voir plus
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27 août 2014 - 17:08
The majority of people experiencing homelessness struggle to live well and often, sadly, do not live long. The average life expectancy of a person who is sleeping rough is 47 years – 30 years less than the average life expectancy in the UK, and closer to the life expectancy in Sierra Leone. Homeless people often live with multiple health issues including drug and alcohol addiction, mental... Voir plus
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27 août 2014 - 16:50
Guardian.com article on how tackling underlying social problems can benefit both doctors and patients. The fallout from public sector spending cuts and subsequent pressures on daily life have added to the already substantial workload of GPs. Depression, anxiety and social isolation are often the result of benefit cuts, poor quality housing and debt, and the mental strain is driving more... Voir plus
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12 juil. 2014 - 15:08
The Adult Social Care Survey asks questions of users of Adult Social Care services about self-reported general health and quality of life, and about how users rate the services they receive, including whether those services are effective. The Health and Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC) are consulting on possible future changes to the survey for 2014-15. This consultation will be open... Voir plus
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Affichage des résultats 1 - 14 parmi 14.