Entrées avec l'étiquette public health research .

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20 déc. 2018 - 14:53
Are you interested in promoting the use of research and intelligence in children’s and adults’ social care? If the answer to this is yes, you may be interested in a new social care special interest group, which exists to do just that. The group is part of the Local Area Research and Intelligence Association (LARIA), and continues the work of the Social Services Research Group and is called... Voir plus
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06 avr. 2017 - 08:56
The National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) is taking a long term view on the shape of the health challenges that will most likely be seen in 20-30 years' time. The results will be used to inform the NIHR’s future research funding. It is really important that the sector has an input so that funding is channelled into research aimed at improving the health and wellbeing of the next... Voir plus
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10 oct. 2016 - 10:59
People in Swansea and the surrounding areas are being encouraged to find out more about an innovative research project designed to better understand the health of the nation. The largest project of its kind in Europe, HealthWise Wales is a confidential research study which aims to increase public involvement with research and develop an in-depth knowledge of the health of people living in... Voir plus
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22 sept. 2015 - 15:25
Public Health England have launched an exciting new online tool - GBD Compare England -  a data visualisation tool created as part of the Global Burden of Disease project. Further information is available on Public Health Matters - the official blog of Public Health England, providing expert insight on the organisation's work and all aspects of public health. There is also an... Voir plus
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19 août 2015 - 12:06
A Royal Society for Public Health report, Rethinking the Public Health Workforce, maps out the professionals who are not specialists in public health, but have the opportunity or ability to positively affect health and wellbeing through their work. These professions which include, for example, allied health professionals (AHPs), fire and rescue services, hairdressers and housing... Voir plus
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23 mars 2015 - 14:36
On Thursday 12th March 2015, the Centre for Workforce Intelligence published The public health knowledge and intelligence workforce: a study, Commissioned by Public Health England (PHE) in partnership with Health Education England and the Department of Health, this report aims to build a clearer understanding of the location, number, functions, skills and competences of the public... Voir plus
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18 déc. 2014 - 17:05
Doing, supporting and using public health research is a document for public consultation, setting out Public Health England's (PHE) commitment to research, development and innovation. This is a draft document for consultation only which sets out the steps PHE will take, alone or with partners, to do research, to support research and to use evidence from research. The... Voir plus
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