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Recording fees for PPAs

Richard Crawley, modified 7 Years ago.

Recording fees for PPAs

Expert Posts: 256 Join Date: 07/12/11 Recent Posts

A quick question for my fellow data geeks out there. 

Do you record the PPA reference and fee against each application ? Or do you just code the income and it all appears on a management account as a total ?


Former Member, modified 7 Years ago.

RE: Recording fees for PPAs

Hi Richard. I do both. I have a spreadsheet which records the expected and confirmed income for each PPA. This is essential for monitoring purposes as phased payments are often agreed. I also have a specific budget centre for PPA income, which records the total and is also utilised for expediture associated with PPAs (e.g. use of consultants) and separates it out from the wider budget for the Service.