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Planning Advisory Service (PAS)
Open group | Started - July 2012 | Last activity - Yesterday

Naming conventions for attachments to planning portal applications

Former Member, modified 16 Years ago.

Naming conventions for attachments to planning portal applications

I wonder if anyone can assist me with a problem we have with regard to downloading Planning Portal planning applications. It is becoming a bigger issue with the increasing numbers of online applications we are receiving. For those that are fully integrated with the portal do you retain the file names created by applicants for their supporting documents / drawings, when downloading in to your back-office system or do you change them? Are the applicant created filenames visible to the public via your online services? We have a problem as we developed naming conventions for saving files of supporting documentation and obviously the applicant created names do not match this. We are faced with either changing the names (long winded) or abandoning our convention. Has anyone else faced this problem and if so what has your solution been? In particular any users of Sx3 iPlan (our back office system) Thanks in advance for your help.