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Planning Advisory Service (PAS)
Open group | Started - July 2012 | Last activity - Yesterday

Cross Boundary Planning Applications

Former Member, modified 16 Years ago.

Cross Boundary Planning Applications

We are presently dealing with a large site which spans two planning authorities and intend submitting the necessary applications shortly. I have searched the web to find the correct means of progressing the planning application but have had limited success. The Planning Fees schedule states that a single planning application fee should be paid to the authority within whose boundary most of the development falls. Should this be read as implying that just one application is lodged with a 'lead' authority, who then determines the application is its entirety (presumably with input from the other authority), or alternatively, should two applications should be lodged (one with each authority, solely addressing the development within their respective boundaries)? This second option would seem to raise issues of consistency, particularly in respect of conditions and S106 agreements. Can anyone advise how they have previously dealt with such applications?
Former Member, modified 16 Years ago.

Cross Boundary Planning Applications

One LPA cannot grant planning permission for a development within the administrative area of another authority, so the way forward is your second option. Newcastle under Lyme Borough Council and Stoke City Council have recently dealt with such an application in this manner