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Redaction policy - archived planning applications

Steve Foster, modified 13 Years ago.

Redaction policy - archived planning applications

New Member Posts: 7 Join Date: 24/05/11 Recent Posts
If you have scanned your archive, did you redact anything? Did you write a policy on this, even if it was a brief policy not to redact anything? If so, please could you give brief details...
Former Member, modified 13 Years ago.

Re: Redaction policy - archived planning applications

At Stroud we have scanned and input our planning history (all the case files and decisions approx 2 million images) into the IDOX management system. We have NOT redacted any information, and do not intend to place it on the web. We have placed all the decision notices on the web, together with the plotting sheets, connected to our GIS. These are not redacted, but appart from my signature, our phone number, and obviously those of my predecessors, there is no data which the information commissioner would wish removed. I hope this helps Phill
John Theobald, modified 13 Years ago.

Re: Redaction on planning application representations

Enthusiast Posts: 61 Join Date: 19/10/11 Recent Posts
We seem to be spending an enormous amount of time and resource redacting personal contact details on all the representations received for live planning applications. Two questions – •Has anyone succeeded at redacting a PDF on insertion into Idox software? •Has anyone have any time saving tips regarding redacting representations? Many thanks, John
Former Member, modified 13 Years ago.

Re: Redaction policy - archived planning applications

in order... 1. you cannot edit a document once in idox as it would nulify the acceptability for court submission. It is one of the Audit functions which we cannot and should not avoid. If you have a PDF, make it sensitive, make a copy, use a full version of PDF to redact, and add back as a public version. 2. email representations, press "forward", delete the phone numbers and email addresses (naughty words) we always type "REDACT" where a word, number or email address has been removed. print it to PDF (you can get free versions which are acceptable such as CUTE-PDF) and attach it... cancel the forward email unsent... (using forward allows you to edit the original email, and when printed will not add any additional email addresses, which reply would do) 3. Buy the Doc Loader software from IDox and use the ^ST,DIPLINK; code. We use this to make officer notes. You create a template and then use "view and print". Add notes, text from emails etc, save, close and then print and your notes will appear in IDox by magic (if you use the email coding in the template, you can get a copy sent to the case officer, and nothing comes out of the printer. Use a dummy email address, and you can just avoid the printing). We also use this for all internal documents and copies of consultation letters. We can prove we sent it out.... hope this helps
Former Member, modified 13 Years ago.

Re: Redaction policy - archived planning applications

We also spend a lot of time redacting personal information full stop and find IDOX quite clunky with respects to the redaction queue. We are trying to encourage the public to comment online via IDOX public access as this is automatically posted online (with personal info not displayed) and into UNI-Form. We are reviewing all our neighbourhood letters etc to hi-light this, in order to reduce the number of letters coming in.
John Theobald, modified 13 Years ago.

Re: Redaction policy - archived planning applications

Enthusiast Posts: 61 Join Date: 19/10/11 Recent Posts
Thank you Philip and Paul for your replies. We have recenly had an Idox rebuild and was hoping to redact the pdf as you insert it, which would be quicker. At the moment, this doesn't appear to be obvious to do. Interestingly, I was checking out a couple of the planning websites of a couple of the largest authorities in England and they do not publish application comments online.
Former Member, modified 13 Years ago.

Re: Redaction policy - archived planning applications

By preference you would want a system that held a redaction transparency layer that fitted over the original document. This layer could then be applied to all standard forms. The system then shows the officer the original document, but automatically applies the redaction transparency layer prior to publication on publically accessible displays (e.g. the internet) If however your council failed to buy and configure a legal admissibility compliant EDMS, the usual work around is to have a “public copy” of the original document, with the redaction applied directly to it. The down side of this, is the capability to publish the original rather than the redacted version, also there is a lot of overhead, as if you get sent a new document, you have to repeat the entire process. The layer system is also useful for shuffling revisions to plans back and forward, as you can easily see the historical origins of the document. To repeat advice elsewhere, do not under any circumstances alter the original document, all updates should be either to a copy or a transparency layer. Also legal admissibility requires you to have an information/document management policy, AND show how you audited that policy being enforced/used. i.e. if you show up in court with a disputed document, my first four questions would be; (a) Please can I have a copy of your Information Management policy and procedures document(s) (b) Can you show me your annual audit for compliance, demonstrating that the staff can not accidentally or deliberately alter the documents, since we gave you the original (c) can you show me the maintenance logs for the server(s) on which these are held, to demonstrate that back up and recovery has been done without error since we sent you the original document, and that no malicious software (viruses, etc) could have corrupted the originals (d) please can you show me the records of the staff training in the information management policy, and any subsequent refresher training they have undertaken A good starting point would be to get your hands on a copy of BS10008, and may be hire an EDMS consultant for a day or two, just to make sure you are orientated in the right direction. Unfortunately I have to say from experience of various councils and suppliers, most councils have failed to seriously consider legal admissibility in their EDMS roll outs, and I suspect will fail to do so, until somebody gets their head handed to them in a court, unfortunately you can not go back and miraciusly make the last 5 years of records compliant, at which point the litigation flood gates will open. Hope this hasn't despressed too many people, and that it has some useful pointers.
Steve Foster, modified 13 Years ago.

Re: Redaction policy - archived planning applications

New Member Posts: 7 Join Date: 24/05/11 Recent Posts
The informal advice from the Information Commissioners Office was that the archive could be published without redaction, backed by a clear policy and a reasonable balance between the public interest and privacy. Given the range of practice and opinion across LPA's, could the PAS clarify these issues with the ICO for our collective benefit?