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Including a Windfall allowance in 5 year supply

Jonathan Pheasant, modified 2 Years ago.

Including a Windfall allowance in 5 year supply

Advocate Posts: 158 Join Date: 23/05/11 Recent Posts

Just seeking advice about this. Maybe someone has recent knowledge of a PINS/Inspector's view?

NPPF says you need a supply of SPECIFIC* deliverable sites for 5 years (Para 74). This implies the 5YS should really be specific, known sites which are by definition 'deliverable' in terms of the glossary which means you know information about them. *my emphasis

Para 48 of the original NPPF said  "Local planning authorities may make an allowance for windfall sites in the five-year supply if they have compelling evidence that such sites have consistently become available in the local area and will continue to provide a reliable source of supply."

However, that paragraph is no longer in the Framework. There is now a paragraph 71 which says "Where an allowance is to be made for windfall sites as part of anticipated supply, there should be compelling evidence that they will provide a reliable source of supply".

It seems odd that the reference to '5 year supply' has been removed in the new version so does that mean that you can have a windfall allowance in your general housing supply (Housing Trajectory) but not your 5 year supply because that is only for specific, known and deliverable sites?

It is notable that Para 71 is in the section about policy making and before Para 74 which is about 'Maintaining Supply and Delivery'.

Anyone have any views?



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