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Planning Advisory Service (PAS)
Open group | Started - July 2012 | Last activity - Today

Threads with tag local plans .

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Thread Started By Replies Views  
Local Plans and Lisa Smith Court of Appeal Case Adam Banham 1 805
Historic England training - heritage in Local Plans Hannah Saxton 0 1778
Permission in principle and developer guidelines for allocated sites Liz Payne 1 1034
local plan general consultation bodies Former Member 0 652
Local Plans Expert Group Report Piers Elias 0 1375
Creative approaches to policy making Richard Crawley 0 840
Draft advice on historic environment in local plans Robin Page 1 1320
Special Landscape Areas Liz Payne 0 932
Sustainability Appraisal of Issues and Options Draft Former Member 0 1405
Revoking a Local Plan Former Member 1 2126
Park Homes Policy Owen Robinson 0 1437
Joint Local Plan - Different HMAs Former Member 1 2320
Applying the Sequential Test in the preparation of a Local Plan Former Member 0 1426
Interim policy to boost housing supply? Former Member 0 948
How to deal with consultation petitions Former Member 1 2341
Who's House Is It Anyway? Former Member 0 1236
CIL before an adopted Local Plan Mark Lambert 4 3598