
Why do organisations employ me as their chosen Management Consultant

My role is to identify and quantify the needed results driven change, creating a vision to guide through inspiration to lead and deliver complex business improvement / transformation from start to finish.

For me, being a business transformation leader isn’t just about offering advice and walking away – it’s about implementing a sustainable solution to unlock the benefits as well. 

In my experience one thing is clear – too many consultants come into a business with lots of ideas, throw them around write a report and leave.  But having the ideas is only part of the job.  Implementation can be the hardest part of any major change – be it from a technological viewpoint or from a people perspective.

So what I offer is a comprehensive service that is based on what I would want if I was hiring someone to work with me to solve my business problems. So I am that troubleshooter and problem solver.

What does this mean for my business?

When Executives make the decision that change is urgently required, hiring a business consultant is a prudent way to approach the matter.  It may be that a new direction is needed or a complex problem is adversely affecting the organisation.  It may be a technological change to improve efficiency and business effectiveness.   For example, a company may be seeking to understand how the Internet of Things and Robotic Process Automation can help to transform their operation or they are looking for a complete re-design of their operation.

No matter what the challenges your business faces, I have the relevant experience to help.  My approach is one that takes in the entire challenge and involves working with everyone in the company, top down, bottom up.  I am adept at working in complex stakeholder situations within a range of public and private sector organisations as well as alongside any third-party management or commercial control.

My Approach

 My approach is one that I have developed, honed and applied over the last 20 plus years in the business.  My ability to quickly learn about your business means I can efficiently and effectively assess your requirements.  This leads to the creation of mutually agreed propositions that your company and I can put into place.

Once we have a plan, I don’t abandon you to get through the difficult part.  My belief is that a consultant should be there for implementation as well as the solution stage.  I am also an expert in people-process-systems transitions and helping people deal with change.  These practical skills mean I am ideally placed to help your employees deal with the changes we are making.

Whether the aim of the project is to increase profitability, enact a new technology within the business or simply fix flaws that have occurred over time, I have the vision and experience to make this happen.  And I will be with you and your business every step of the way until our goal is achieved.


The overheads of my business are a fraction of larger consultancies however I do have the experience and expertise of working in these companies. This means that my clients achieve a greater return on their investment when they employ me.

Simon Greenwood

Goals:Gains Business Consulting