Entries with tag community engagement .

ysgrifennodd bost blog arall
05 Rhag 2016 - 15:10
Using a case study approach to explain some lessons I have learnt about good engagement. The scenario is fictious but believable. A district council is consulting on a set of future development proposals. Exhibitions at parish council offices and village halls have been arranged, public events have been advertised in the local paper, libraries, council’s website and notification letters sent... Gweld mwy
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null 0 Sylwadau
null 1773 golygfeydd
ysgrifennodd bost blog arall
10 Hyd 2014 - 15:11
Local Democracy Week is an annual event celebrated in Local Government. Events are organised by local authorities to foster the knowledge of local democracy and promote the idea of democratic participation. Local Democracy Week dates back to 1985, typically a ‘theme’ for the week is chosen by the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities. Events organised can include poster campaigns,... Gweld mwy
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null 1 Sylwadau
null 2223 golygfeydd
ysgrifennodd bost blog arall
12 Gorff 2014 - 15:32
Scrutiny is not the most ‘sexy’ subject even in local Government; it comes with all types of stigmas and perceptions.  One of my appraisal targets is to boost the profile of our local Scrutiny Committee.  This has spawned a long action plan for me to work through that includes community engagement, youth engagement, and online engagement. I have now launched a few social media... Gweld mwy
null 0
null 2 Sylwadau
null 2060 golygfeydd