wrote a new blog post
05 Dec 2016 - 15:19
For the past 9 years I have been a scrutiny research officer. What that means in English is I set about researching subjects currently being looked at (investigated) by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee. When I think about it, I have been a researcher since my early youth. My earliest memory is from when I was 7-8 years old and curious about all things Egypt, I went to the library and... See more
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wrote a new blog post
05 Dec 2016 - 15:03
The Norfolk Arts Forum gave a seminar inviting professionals from local art and culture schemes, Local Authority Officers, researchers and students to explain how Art and Culture has the potential of enhancing the quality of life for individuals and communities alike. The presentations throughout the day drew on research projects and activity based projects delivered across Norfolk that... See more
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wrote a new blog post
05 Dec 2016 - 15:11
Reading an article published on science daily about University of Pennsylvania research by Professor Damon Centrola, I was fascinated to learn so much on how characteristics contribute to the formation of social networks, whilst challenging existing theories from 1984. In 1984 Peter Blau and Joseph Schwartz argued that by eliminating all group affiliations, societies would enjoy greater... See more
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wrote a new blog post
05 Dec 2016 - 15:11
I do not profess to being an expert in social media, but I have done a lot of research and participated in online communities. In my role as an online community facilitator I have put together this short list of top tips I’ve learnt along the way: 1. Ensure there is demand for the community/establish your audience It very rarely works when you think of a great idea for a community; put all... See more
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wrote a new blog post
05 Dec 2016 - 15:10
Using a case study approach to explain some lessons I have learnt about good engagement. The scenario is fictious but believable. A district council is consulting on a set of future development proposals. Exhibitions at parish council offices and village halls have been arranged, public events have been advertised in the local paper, libraries, council’s website and notification letters sent... See more
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wrote a new blog post
10 Oct 2014 - 15:11
Local Democracy Week is an annual event celebrated in Local Government. Events are organised by local authorities to foster the knowledge of local democracy and promote the idea of democratic participation. Local Democracy Week dates back to 1985, typically a ‘theme’ for the week is chosen by the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities. Events organised can include poster campaigns,... See more
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wrote a new blog post
12 Jul 2014 - 15:25
Over the past year Broadland has experienced some subtle changes in our Councillor’s responsibilities.  We are used to having “double hatters” whereby a Councillor holds a district and a county seat, however since the County Council has become a Coalition, some of our District Councillors have stepped up to take on more cabinet based roles.   The impact of this has been a... See more
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wrote a new blog post
12 Jul 2014 - 15:32
Scrutiny is not the most ‘sexy’ subject even in local Government; it comes with all types of stigmas and perceptions.  One of my appraisal targets is to boost the profile of our local Scrutiny Committee.  This has spawned a long action plan for me to work through that includes community engagement, youth engagement, and online engagement. I have now launched a few social media... See more
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Showing 1 to 8 of 8 entries.