
The 12 days of Knowledge Hub Christmas

What a year it has been. We thought we’d remind you of some of the Knowledge Hub’s highlights over the last 12 months. And what better way to do it than in the words of a well known song…?


On the first day of Christmas Knowledge Hub gave to me…


…hundred and sixty three thousand members


On the second day of Christmas Knowledge Hub gave to me...

Two dedicated help centres


On the third day of Christmas Knowledge Hub gave to me…


…thousand seven hundred blogs


On the fourth day of Christmas Knowledge Hub gave to me…

Four ways to get the best out of Knowledge Hub


On the fifth day of Christmas Knowledge Hub gave to me…

Five live hotseats…


Gang and youth violence

Adult safeguarding

Health and Wellbeing Boards Learning Group

The College of Social Work Communities of Interest

(And we’re sure there were a lot more in other groups too!)


On the sixth day of Christmas Knowledge Hub gave to me…

Six functional improvements


On the seventh day of Christmas Knowledge Hub gave to me…

Seven new groups a week (on average)


On the eighth day of Christmas Knowledge Hub gave to me…



…hundred thousand posts to conversations


On the ninth day of Christmas Knowledge Hub gave to me…

Nine inspiring member stories – plus 4! (Sorry!)


On the tenth day of Christmas Knowledge Hub gave to me…

Ten top tips for using the wiki


On the eleventh day of Christmas Knowledge Hub (with the help of #localgov) gave to me…

11,000 #OurDay tweets


On the twelfth day of Christmas Knowledge Hub gave to me…

A huge vote of thanks to all its members for their support in 2013.

And we look forward to working with you in 2014.

If you can't see the above greeting, you might need to enable media content in your browser.

Alternatively, take look at it on the Prezi website.




Mwy o Gofrestriadau Blog

Sorry, where do I have to click to hear the rocording of the song? Karina
Hi Karina, I hate to disappoint you - especially as it's Christmas - but I'm afraid we chickened out and didn't actually sing it! We cheated and wrote it down instead! Maybe we'll actually record a song next year - if we're brave enough! Hopefully you can see the Prezi Christmas card with the reindeer though? You might just need to enable media in your browser if you can't see it. It should be embedded for you underneath the 12th day. Happy Christmas! Liz
Oh dear that is a dissapointment and I'm afraid this will effect the amount I will be donating! tisk tisk!
Hi Liz - the reindeer made me smile but agree with Karina that I had hoped for a sing-along :-) Anyway, many thanks to the 'K-team' for keeping the Khub going so well and all the best for the coming year!
Thanks Nick. Perhaps we should consider entering the next series of Gareth Malone's 'Sing while you work' for workplace choirs like Birmingham City Council did and then we'll be able to sing the Christmas greeting in December 2014! I wonder if we could set up a Knowledge Hub virtual choir! ;-)
Hmmm... a virtual choir of 163,000 people - that would take some organising but would surely get into the Guiness Book of records! What song would we sing (e.g. All I Know , The knowledge )?
Hi all, we were brave enough to record a song AND upload it to our community Khub - it was great fun. We did it for charity so we wouldnt feel too silly! Please do record a song for this Xmas Knowledge team ;0)