
Indices of Deprivation report now available on LG Inform

A new report on the latest Indices of Multiple Deprivation (2015) has been published on LG Inform. For a chosen authority users can compare overall deprivation with that of other authorities, the proportion of LSOAs which are in the ten per cent most deprived LSOAs nationally, the proportion of LSOAs which are in each decile of deprivation nationally, and the IMD scores for each of the IMD's seven domains, six sub-domains and two supplementary indices. You will need to sign into LG Inform to see this report.

Individual measures available in LG Inform include:

Please click on this link to see all local-authority level IMD data in LG Inform.

The local authority leve report complements a number of small area reports published in LG Inform Plus. Each report shows, for a chosen authority, the score for each ward, together with details of the ten most/least deprived wards, and a map showing IMD distribution. A sample of Peterborough's overall Indices of Multiple Deprivation (2015) Ward summary report is here.

For more information about the IMD 2015 reports in LG Inform and LG Inform Plus please contact


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