Entrées avec l'étiquette engagement .

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25 oct. 2017 - 09:29
The eagle-eyed among you will spot that we made a few changes to Knowledge Hub last night and added some new features. Here are the highlights: Suggested groups On the right hand side of your homepage you’ll see a list of suggested groups you might like to join.   Group search When you’re in one of your groups, you can now search all the content of that one group in one... Voir plus
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18 oct. 2017 - 12:00
How do you drive successful change in large organisations?  It’s a challenge facing many across the public sector, often with a focus on the digital transformation of services and ways of working. While all instances of effective change take time to plan, implement and adopt, bringing people together in an online group can help to ensure colleagues are on board, feel a part of the... Voir plus
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21 févr. 2016 - 17:15
Councils getting to grips with the challenges of achieving citizen engagement targets are turning to digital advertising to improve voter registration. The Electoral Commission reports that an individual is more likely to take action if they can do it straight away and that the likelihood of them responding decreases over time. Digital advertising is powerful – it is... Voir plus
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12 juil. 2014 - 13:04
Happy International Social Media Week everyone! Yes, it’s social media week this week and to celebrate, we’re encouraging council officers and councillors all over the country to take to Twitter on Thursday 27 September to offer residents a live insight into a day in the life of local government using the hashtag #OurDay. We want to raise the profile of the great work that happens every... Voir plus
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